

This policy provides guidelines 和 procedures to be followed when employees 和 applicants for employment request or require an accommodation due to a qualifying disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) 和 the California Fair Employment 和 Housing Act (“FEHA”).




Harvey Mudd College (“HMC”) will make reasonable accommodations whenever necessary for an otherwise qualified employee or applicant for employment with disabilities (as defined by applicable law), provided that (1) the individual is otherwise qualified to safely perform the essential functions of the job 和 (2) such accommodations do not impose undue hardship on HMC operations.



A significant risk to the health or safety of the individual seeking accommodation or to others which cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation.


为了提供合理的便利, an “individual with a disability” is defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more of that person’s major life activities, 有这种损害的记录或历史的, 或被认为或被认为有这样的缺陷.


有权决定是否提供所要求的住宿的个人.  员工要求合理住宿的地方, 责任经理通常是员工的主管/经理, 人力资源总监, 及/或署长指定人.  申请人是否需要合理的安排, 责任经理通常是招聘主管/经理, 人力资源总监, 及/或署长指定人.


员工在被分配的工作中必须能够履行的基本工作职责, 有或没有合理的住宿.  Factors to consider in determining whether a function is fundamental include: (a) whether the reason the position exists is to perform that function, (b)可用于履行该职能或可分配履行该职能的其他雇员人数, (c)履行该职能所需的专业知识或技能程度, (d)执行一项职能所花费的时间, (e)不要求该雇员履行职能的后果.  基本函数不包括一个位置的边际函数.  一个职位的基本职能必须根据具体情况来确定, 因此,决定是基于实际执行的工作, 而不仅仅是一个通用职位描述的组成部分.


及时, 提出住宿要求的个人与责任经理讨论住宿要求的诚信过程, 是否需要住宿, 如果是这样的话, 如何合理地容纳这个人.


具有必要技能的残疾雇员或求职者, 教育, 经验, 以及其他与工作相关的要求,以履行职位的基本职能,无论是否有合理的住宿.


合理的调整是对工作的任何修改或调整, 工作进度表, or work environment which enables a qualified employee or applicant for employment with a disability to participate 在就业申请过程中, 履行基本的工作职能, 或享有与处境类似的无残疾雇员享有的其他就业福利, 和 which does not impose an undue hardship on HMC or impose a direct threat of safety to the individual who requires accommodation or to others in the workplace.  Examples of reasonable accommodations may include making existing facilities used by employees or applicants for employment readily accessible to 和 usable by an individual with a disability, 重组工作, 修改工作时间表, 允许改变时间或方式执行一项基本功能的, 购置或改装设备, 修改考试, 培训, 或者其他程序, 为治疗和/或康复提供带薪和无薪假期, 和/或修改雇主政策.  现雇员是否因残疾而无法完成原工作, 合理的安排还可能包括将这类雇员调任到他有资格担任的空缺职位.  但是,没有义务设立一个职位作为变通办法.  也不要求HMC降低质量或数量标准.


过度困难是指住宿费用过高的程度, 广泛的, 实质性的或破坏性的, 或者从根本上改变学校或太阳2注册平台的性质或运作.  不适当困难的确定总是根据具体情况而定, considering factors such as the nature 和 cost of the reasonable accommodation needed 和 the impact of the reasonable accommodation on the operations of HMC.



住宿请求是一份个人需要调整或改变工作的声明, 在就业申请过程中, 或因残疾或健康状况而获得就业福利或特权.  The reasonable accommodation process begins as soon as the request for accommodation is made or HMC otherwise becomes aware of the need for an accommodation through observation or through information provided by a third party.

寻求住宿的员工应与直接主管/经理或人力资源部联系.  为了申请工作而需要住宿的人应该联系招聘经理或人力资源部.

住宿要求可以口头或书面提出, 由雇员/申请人或与雇员/申请人有关的人提供.  请求不需要包含任何特殊的词, 例如“合理的便利”或“残疾”.”

An employee with a disability may request an accommodation whenever he or she realizes the disability’s impact on his or her performance or work environment, 即使他或她以前没有透露过残疾的存在.

如果员工有明显或已知的残疾,难以完成工作, 员工的主管/经理, 与人力资源部协商, 是否可以询问员工是否需要住宿.  任何此类调查的框架必须不要求雇员披露保密的医疗信息(e.g.(残疾的根本医学原因).  如果员工要求住宿, 本政策下一节所述的流程和程序应适用.  If, 然而, 员工没有要求合理的安排, 不提供住宿.

使HMC能够保存有关住宿要求的准确记录, 寻求住宿的员工和申请人应被要求填写“住宿申请”表格.  The failure of an employee or applicant to complete a Request for Accommodation form does not excuse HMC from responding to a request for accommodation.

所有住宿要求必须及时通知人力资源太阳2注册平台, 所有住宿要求都应以书面形式确认.  人力资源 is responsible for maintaining a worksheet documenting the receipt of 和 steps taken in response to a request for accommodation.


为了回应住宿要求, 或当HMC通过第三方提供的信息或直接观察到需要住宿时, HMC will engage in an interactive process as necessary to determine the precise limitations that necessitate the request for accommodation 和 explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome those limitations.

当特定的限制时,持续的沟通尤为重要, 问题, 或者屏障不清楚, 当有效的调节不明显时, 或者当双方在考虑不同的可能的调解时.  The 负责任的经理 和 the employee/applicant requesting the accommodation should talk to each other to make sure that there is a full exchange of relevant information, 并充分考虑员工/申请人建议的住宿条件.

如果存在残疾或需要住宿不明显, HMC may ask the employee/applicant requesting the accommodation to provide supporting medical documentation confirming the existence of a disability 和 that the disability necessitates a reasonable accommodation.  当残疾清晰可见时,它是明显的或已知的, 或者当个人以前提供的医疗信息表明存在残疾时.)任何医疗信息的要求必须遵守《太阳2平台》, FEHA, 2008年遗传信息非歧视法案(GINA), 加州医疗信息保密法案, 以及所有其他适用的法律法规.

如果响应此请求所提供的信息不充分, HMC可能会要求员工去看HMC选择的医疗保健专业人员, 以HMC为代价.  体检应当与工作有关,并符合业务需要.

Any failure by the employee/applicant to supply all relevant 和 requested medical information or to otherwise meaningfully cooperate in the interactive process may result in HMC’s denial of the accommodation or in delay in the process.

如果住宿的需要是明显的, or if medical 和 other information provided by the employee/applicant establishes the existence of a disability 和/or need for a reasonable accommodation, 人力资源 will work with the employee/applicant 和 负责任的经理 to identify 和 discuss reasonable accommodations that will enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the job or to participate in the same benefits 和 privileges of employment enjoyed by similarly situated employees without disabilities, 和, 就申请人而言, 申请就业.  在决定住宿时, 我们将根据员工/申请人的偏好进行考虑, 但HMC有最终的自由裁量权来选择和实施有效的住宿.

调任空缺职位是最后的办法.  Reassignment will be considered only if a determination is made that (i) no other reasonable accommodations are available to enable the individual to perform the essential functions of his or her current job, 否则,唯一有效的住宿将造成不必要的困难, (ii)无论是否提供合理的便利,该员工都有资格履行新职位的基本职能.  可能需要雇员的教育背景和工作经验等信息.  如果被调任到空缺职位,将优先考虑其他申请人和雇员, so long as such preferential treatment is not inconsistent with the terms of an applicable collective bargaining agreement or bona-fide seniority system.  HMC没有义务为重新分配而创建职位.

在没有合理安排使雇员能够履行工作的基本职能的情况下, 包括无薪休假和分配到空缺职位, 该员工可能会被解雇, 但必须得到人力资源总监的明确授权.


所有住宿请求必须及时处理(通常在收到后十(10)天内), 或者之后越快越好).  对合理住宿要求(批准或拒绝)的答复应以书面形式记录下来.


为请求提供合理便利而获得的所有医疗资料, 包括有关功能限制和合理住宿需求的信息, 必须保密.  这些信息应与个人的正式人事档案分开保存. 除了, 获取或接收此类信息的员工应严格遵守这些保密要求.  该等资料只会向以下人士披露:

  1. 与执行公务有关的人力资源工作人员.
  2. 管理员, 监事, 经理, 和 others who need to know may be told about necessary restrictions on the work or duties of the employee 和 the necessary accommodation(s), 但医疗信息只有在绝对必要的情况下才应该披露.
  3. 医疗和安全人员, 在适当的时候, 如果残疾可能需要紧急治疗或紧急情况下的特殊安排,如建筑物疏散.
  4. 在某些情况下, 给工人赔偿索赔管理员, 保险公司, 或工人赔偿上诉委员会.
  5. 政府官员, 当信息是必要的,以调查是否遵守适用法律.


HMC prohibits retaliation against an employee/applicant who makes a request for reasonable accommodation 和 against participants in the reasonable accommodation process.  任何被发现从事此类报复的员工都可能受到纪律处分, 直至并包括终止.